Saturday 17 August 2013

Narconon Fresh Start: A Durable Recovery Plan

Narconon Fresh Start: A Durable Recovery Plan
Drug addiction remains one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality all over the world, and is particularly on the rise in developing countries according to a recent report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. However, the United States still takes the lead in boasting the largest figures, with more than 600 Billion dollars being billed to the government in terms of crime, healthcare, and losses related to decreased work productivity.

Drug addiction includes all the various commodities liable to substance abuse, like alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana, heroin, cocaine and the like, which can be grouped mainly into the category of Alcohol, tobacco and drugs, each costing the government about 200 Billion dollars a year. Alcohol abuse alone is responsible for 2.5 million deaths per annum, and makes up the primary form through which many young adults become trapped in the web of addiction. 

To cater to the demands of these suffering individuals, an increasing number of drug rehabilitation centers have sprung up during the past few years that aim to restore the health and well-being of these individuals by stripping them of their addictions. However, since drug rehabilitation is not an exact science, its treatment too varies from person to person, and thus provides a sort of loophole that is liable to abuse by some of these fake programs that are nothing more than a way to con money from the poor, helpless souls who turn to them in their time of need.

The strategies used by these fake programs vary from employing ‘detox’ routines as part of their treatment and claiming them to be wholly curative, administering herbal remedies that have no proven medicinal effects, shorter rehab programs that involve a ‘magic’ cure and guarantees that the person is now indeed free from all addiction.

Then certain programs also come under fire for employing the use of many vitamins and energy supplements that have yet to be approved by the concerned drug authorities as to their effectiveness in various treatment regimens.

Narconon Fresh Start is a unique drug rehabilitation program that has been the subject of much interest by the public, with mostly mixed reviews about the authenticity and the effectiveness of its treatment protocols. 

Narconon Fresh Start program boasts of a 76% success rate, while also offering a six month guarantee during which the person can return for free if they feel that they’re still having trouble coping with their addiction. A holistic approach that centers on the mind as well as the body is employed, and the participants of Narconon Fresh Start are provided many interesting courses and healthy activities that focus on providing an alternative path of interest for enjoyment other than spiraling down again and seeking refuge in drugs and alcohol.

When choosing a drug rehabilitation program, it is wise to consider the essentials that make up any good regimen, namely a qualified staff, a good environment, and accreditation by the local medical authorities, as well as the treatment options and regimens being offered.

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